Proprietary Data Set

Includes 500+ million keywords rank check every single month

Global Reach

Retrieve data from 90+ countries with historical data going back 6 years

Device Agnostic

Both Google Desktop and Google Mobile for all keywords, rank checked every month


Collect, Manipulate, and Integrate Competitor Research Data

Dive into detailed competitor data for any domain or URL, get a summary of keyword performance, assess your Total Addressable Market, and overlay with other data sources.

Analysis Projects

Data scientists and engineers leverage this data for competitive analysis to understand competitor gaps and growth strategies, overlay against their own data sources, and more.

Research Metrics

Users can access monthly data for any domain or URL, including keyword details, search volume, estimated traffic, rank position, and SERP (Search Engine Results Page) information like titles and meta descriptions.

Content Gaps

Quickly identify keywords that one or more of your competitors rank for in the search results, but you don't. Query up to 5 domains at once and analyze the data by a complete set of metrics such as Average Search Volume, Estimated Traffic, Ranking URLs, and more.

Your Domain Data is Just a Click Away

Access via API key to enable querying of select metrics from our Research Grid domain and competitor research data.


Integrate with your Data Warehouse

Bring your rank tracking data into your custom data warehouse, BigQuery, or RedShift, with an API or FTP with custom data extracts.


Integrate with any BI Tool

Integrate with your business intelligence tool of choice, including BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Tableau, Domo, and more for a connected view of your competitors, URLs, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What business intelligence tools does seoClarity integrate with?

Our API for automating competitive analysis integrates with a number of BI tools so you can have access to your data, your way. 

These include Big Query (which allows for your data to be connected with the likes of Google Data Studio, Tableau, Domo, and more), as well as RedShift, Amazon S3, Box, Snowflake, and Looker. 

With a subscription to seoClarity, an API key and/or token is included to make the process super easy. 

If you don't see your BI tool, don't worry! You can still have direct access to valuable insights about your competitors with an API or custom data extract.

More on BI tools integrations >

What can I send my data scientist team?

Data scientists can manipulate the analytics data in a number of ways. 

Conduct competitive analysis and slice and dice the data in a way that makes sense for your business priorities

Manipulate the data to build out the story that you're looking to tell.

SEO Data for Data Scientists: Demonstrating the Power of seoClarity > 

How can I access more information about your Competitors API?

Full API documentation can be accessed from an Account Executive at seoClarity. In the meantime, here's access to information about the Competitor APIs supported filters, response codes, and more.

Want to Sample our SEO APIs?
Request a Trial Token

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